Describe three adaptations of prey that help them avoid being eaten?

1. Camouflage: Many prey animals have evolved to blend in with their surroundings, making it more difficult for predators to spot them. For example, many insects have coloration and patterns that help them blend in with leaves or bark, while some animals, like chameleons, can even change their color to match their surroundings.

2. Crypsis: Some prey animals use crypsis, which involves disguising themselves as something else to avoid detection. For example, some insects resemble twigs or leaves, while some fish disguise themselves as rocks or pieces of coral.

3. Warning Coloration: Some prey animals have evolved bright colors and patterns that serve as a warning to predators that they are poisonous or distasteful. For example, many poisonous insects and snakes have bright colors, and some animals, like the skunk, release a foul-smelling spray when threatened.