Pecking: Seagulls may use their powerful beaks to peck and break the shells of clams, especially smaller or weaker clams.
Dropping: Seagulls can also pick up clams and carry them to a high elevation, such as a roof or a nearby building. From this height, they drop the clams onto a hard surface, causing the shells to crack open.
Leveraging: Seagulls sometimes exploit their environment by using rocks, sticks, or even other clams as tools. They may place a rock or a sturdy object on top of the clam and then use their beak or feet to pry it open.
Teamwork: Seagulls are known for their intelligence and adaptability, and they have been observed working together to access clams. They may take turns pecking and leveraging a clam until they succeed in opening it.
However, it's important to note that seagulls' strategies can vary depending on their species, the size and species of the clam, and the available resources in their environment.