Here is a more detailed breakdown of the peacock's diet:
1. Seeds: Peacocks are particularly fond of seeds from various plants, including grasses, weeds, and trees. They use their strong beaks to crack open the seed coats and access the nutritious kernels inside.
2. Fruits: Peacocks enjoy a variety of fruits, such as berries, figs, and mangoes. When available, they may also feed on fruits that have fallen from trees.
3. Insects: Insects form a significant part of the peacock's diet. They actively search for insects in grass, under leaves, and in crevices. Common insects consumed by peacocks include grasshoppers, crickets, ants, beetles, and caterpillars.
4. Small Reptiles: Peacocks are opportunistic predators and may consume small reptiles like lizards and snakes. They use their sharp claws to catch and subdue these animals.
5. Other Plant Material: In addition to seeds and fruits, peacocks may also eat leaves, flowers, and stems of various plants. They may consume these plant parts as a source of moisture and nutrients when other food sources are scarce.
It is important to note that the feeding behavior of peacocks can vary depending on their geographic location and the availability of food sources. They are adaptable and can modify their diet based on what is accessible in their environment.