How do you get a white goose to off nest of rocks that she has been sitting on for 4 weeks - thinks is eggs because laid in from March July something go?

1. Gradually reduce the number of hours the goose is allowed to sit on the nest. Start by removing the goose from the nest for a few minutes each day and gradually increase the amount of time she is off the nest. Eventually, she should get the message and stop sitting on the rocks altogether.

2. Provide the goose with a comfortable alternative nesting site. This could be a nest box filled with straw or hay or a soft spot in the garden. Make sure the nesting site is in a sheltered spot away from predators.

3. Distract the goose with food or treats. When the goose is off the nest, offer her some of her favorite food or treats. This will help to keep her distracted and less likely to return to the nest.

4. Make the nest area less attractive. This could mean removing the rocks or covering them with a tarp. You can also try spraying the nest area with a deterrent, such as vinegar or cayenne pepper.

5. Be patient. It may take some time for the goose to get the message and stop sitting on the nest. Don't give up - eventually, she will get the hang of it.

If you are unsuccessful in getting the goose off the nest, you may need to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.