How should you feed baby bluebirds?

1. Find an appropriate nest box.

Make sure that the nest box is large enough for the bluebirds to move around comfortably, but not so large that they feel exposed. The nest box should also be made of a material that will insulate the babies from the elements, such as wood or plastic.

2. Place the nest box in a suitable location.

Bluebirds prefer to nest in open areas, such as meadows or fields. The nest box should be placed at least 5 feet off the ground and away from any potential predators, such as cats or squirrels.

3. Provide a food source for the bluebirds

Bluebirds eat insects, such as mealworms, crickets, and grasshoppers. You can provide a food source for the bluebirds by placing a mealworm feeder near the nest box. You can also offer them fruit, such as grapes or blueberries.

4. Monitor the nest box for activity.

Bluebirds typically lay 3-5 eggs, which will hatch in about 2 weeks. Once the eggs have hatched, you should monitor the nest box for activity to make sure that the babies are being fed and cared for.

5. Fledge the babies

Bluebirds typically fledge, or leave the nest, when they are about 3 weeks old. At this point, you can remove the nest box and the food source. The bluebirds will continue to live in your area and will return to your yard to nest again next year.