Seeds: Red-legged partridges feed on seeds from a variety of plants, including grasses, legumes, and forbs. They often search for seeds on the ground or may even climb up plants to reach them.
Fruits: These birds also consume fruits, such as berries and fallen fruit from trees. They have a particular preference for sweet and juicy fruits.
Leaves and shoots: Red-legged partridges eat the leaves and shoots of different plants, including grasses, clover, and other herbaceous species.
Invertebrates: While mainly herbivorous, these partridges will also occasionally feed on small invertebrates, such as insects, spiders, and worms. Insects often make up a larger proportion of their diet during the breeding season when they need extra protein for successful reproduction.
Grains and cereals: Red-legged partridges may also feed on grains and cereal crops, especially during winter when natural food resources are scarce. They can cause damage to crops in agricultural areas if their populations are not controlled.
It is important to note that the specific composition of their diet can vary depending on the habitat, season, and availability of food resources.
Overall, red-legged partridges have a varied diet and are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide range of plant materials and invertebrates based on what is available in their environment.