Do Canadian geese eat a lot of food before migrating?

Canadian geese do indeed consume a significant amount of food prior to their migration journeys, known as "hyperphagia." This increased Nahrungsaufnahme is crucial in preparation for the energy-intensive and endurance-demanding flights they undertake during migration. As they prepare to embark on their long-distance Reisen, Canadian geese engage in intensive foraging to accumulate sufficient fat reserves. These reserves serve as an essential energy source during their extended flights and help sustain them during the demanding migratory journey.

The diet of Canadian geese primarily comprises various types of grasses and vegetation. However, they may also feed on grains and other agricultural crops during their pre-migratory feeding periods. By consuming substantial quantities of food, Canadian geese build up fat stores that provide the fuel needed for their arduous flights spanning hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

It's worth noting that the pre-migratory hyperphagia is not unique to Canadian geese; many other migratory bird species exhibit similar feeding behaviors before embarking on their long-distance journeys. This adaptation allows them to endure the challenges and energy requirements of migration successfully, ensuring their survival and the continuation of their migratory patterns.