- Starting food: For the first few days of life, quail chicks can be fed a chick starter crumb or a high-protein game bird starter.
- Water: Provide fresh, clean water at all times.
- Feeding frequency: Feed quail chicks several times a day, especially during their first week of life. They should have constant access to food and water.
- Mealworms: Mealworms can be offered as a treat or a supplement to the regular diet. Mealworms are a good source of protein and minerals.
- Grit: Quail chicks need access to grit to help them digest their food. You can provide commercial grit or offer fine sand.
- Transitioning to adult food: As the quail chicks grow, gradually switch them over to a quail grower diet. This will help them develop properly.
Here is a more detailed feeding schedule for quail chicks:
First day of life: Offer chick starter crumb and fresh water.
Days 2-4: Continue offering chick starter crumb and fresh water. Offer small amounts of mealworms as a treat.
Days 5-7: Continue offering chick starter crumb and fresh water. Increase the amount of mealworms offered.
Days 8-14: Gradually switch quail chicks to quail grower diet. Offer fresh water at all times. Continue offering mealworms as a treat.
Days 15-21: Continue offering quail grower diet. Offer fresh water at all times.
After 21 days: Quail chicks can be transitioned to a quail adult diet. Offer fresh water at all times.