What do ring billed gulls eat?

Ring-billed gulls are opportunistic feeders, and their diets can vary depending on their location and the time of year. Some of the items that they eat include:

- Fish: Ring-billed gulls are skilled at catching fish from the surface of the water, and they often target smaller fish such as sardines, anchovies, and herring.

- Insects: Ring-billed gulls will eat insects such as flies, beetles, and grasshoppers, especially when they are available in large numbers.

- Small mammals: Ring-billed gulls will sometimes prey on small mammals such as mice, voles, and rabbits, especially if they are sick or injured.

- Carrion: Ring-billed gulls will often scavenge for carrion, or dead animals, and they may feed on carcasses of fish, birds, and mammals.

- Human food: Ring-billed gulls are also known to scavenge for human food, and they may feed on garbage, picnic scraps, and other discarded items.