What can you feed to the ducks at park?

It's important to note that feeding certain foods to ducks can be harmful to them. The following are some acceptable foods you can feed to ducks at the park:

1. Grains: Oats, corn, and rice are all popular choices for feeding ducks. These grains provide carbohydrates and other nutrients that are essential for duck diets.

2. Seeds: Sunflower seeds, millet, and cracked corn are also good options. Seeds are high in protein and fat, which are important for ducks' overall health.

3. Vegetables: Finely chopped vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and peas can be offered to ducks. Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

4. Fruit: Small pieces of fruit such as grapes, blueberries, and apples can be given to ducks as treats. Fruits provide various nutrients and antioxidants.

5. Duck Pellets: Commercially available duck pellets or waterfowl feed are specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of ducks. They provide a balanced diet and are easily digestible.

Remember to feed ducks in moderation and avoid giving them foods like processed bread or snacks, which can be unhealthy for them. Also, be mindful not to overfeed the ducks, as this can lead to health issues and environmental problems.