How do you get rid of pest birds?

Getting rid of pest birds can be a challenging task, but there are several effective methods to help deter them from your property:

Visual Deterrents:

- Hang fake predators: Place realistic-looking fake owls, hawks, or other predatory birds in areas where pest birds frequent.

- Shiny objects: Hang reflective ribbons or wind spinners that flutter in the wind, as birds are often afraid of shiny objects.

Noise Deterrents:

- Ultrasonic devices: Install ultrasonic bird repellent devices that emit high-pitched sounds inaudible to humans but can deter birds.

- Bird distress calls: Play recordings of bird distress calls to scare away the pest birds.

Physical Deterrents:

- Bird netting: Install bird netting over areas where birds gather, such as trees, eaves, or open spaces.

- Anti-roosting spikes: Place spikes on window ledges, roofs, or other areas where birds tend to perch.

- Birdhouses for predator birds: Install nesting boxes for natural predators like kestrels or barn owls.

Habitat Modification:

- Remove food sources: Keep garbage cans covered, seal any cracks or holes where birds might find food or shelter.

- Water manipulation: Drain standing water sources like birdbaths or other water features that might attract birds.

Repellent Gels and Sprays:

- Apply bird repellent gels or sprays: These products contain taste and odor repellents that discourage birds from perching or nesting in treated areas.

Trapping and Relocation:

- Traps: Use live capture traps to humanely catch birds and relocate them to a suitable habitat.

Seek Professional Help:

- If the pest bird problem persists or poses health or safety risks, consider hiring a professional pest control company that specializes in bird control.

Remember to follow local regulations and laws when using any methods to deter pest birds.