Can you give a wild baby bird bath?

How to Give a Wild Baby Bird a Bath

You should only attempt to bathe a baby bird if it is truly necessary- the bird is covered with fleas, mites or other tiny bugs, or is visibly dirty with a substance that might be harmful if left on the bird.

1. Create a shallow dish of lukewarm water. The water should not be deeper than the bird's belly. It is best to use a plastic container.

2. Add a few drops of mild, unscented dish soap to the water. This will help to remove any dirt or debris from the bird's feathers.

3. Place the bird in the water. Be gentle and do not hold the bird too tightly. Place the bird in the bath dish so it can stand with its head out of water and its feathers touching the water.

4. Use your fingers to gently massage the bird's feathers. This will help to loosen any dirt or debris. Pay special attention to the bird's head and neck. Be careful not to get soap in the bird's eyes, nose or mouth.

5. Rinse the bird thoroughly with lukewarm water. Make sure to rinse all of the soap out of the bird's feathers.

6. Use a soft towel to pat the bird dry. Be gentle and do not rub the bird's feathers.

7. Place the bird in a warm place to dry. This could be a sunny spot outdoors or in a warm room indoors.

8. Monitor the bird closely. Make sure the bird is not getting too cold or too hot. If the bird is not dry within a few hours, you may need to use a hair dryer on low heat to help it dry.

Once the bird is dry, it should be released back into the wild.