Do birds go to same place build nest every year?

While some species of birds return to the same general breeding area year after year, the majority do not go to the exact same place to build a nest every year. Many factors, such as food availability, safety, weather, and predators, can influence where a bird will build its nest.

Migratory species, such as swallows and geese, travel great distances to their breeding grounds each year. They may build nests in different locations within their breeding range depending on the conditions. Non-migratory species, such as robins and cardinals, may return to the same area each year, but they may not necessarily build their nest in the same exact spot.

Some species of birds, such as bald eagles and ospreys, build large nests that they reuse year after year. These nests can be located in the same tree or structure for many years, but they may need to be repaired or rebuilt over time.

In conclusion, while some bird species may return to the same breeding grounds or nesting areas each year, it is not common for them to use the exact same nest site every year. The majority of birds build new nests annually based on the availability of resources and the safety of their chosen location.