Is it safe to feed cockatiels sunflower seeds?

In moderation, sunflower seeds are safe to feed cockatiels. However, it is important to note that sunflower seeds are high in fat and can be harmful if fed in excess. Sunflower seeds should only make up a small portion of a cockatiel's diet, with their primary diet being a high-quality pellets and fresh vegetables and fruits.

As a general rule, it is recommended to limit sunflower seed consumption to no more than 10-15% of a cockatiel's daily diet. This will help ensure that your bird receives the necessary nutrients from other food sources while still enjoying the occasional treat of sunflower seeds.

Here are some tips for feeding sunflower seeds to cockatiels:

- Offer sunflower seeds as a treat, rather than a main part of the diet.

- Limit sunflower seed consumption to no more than 10-15% of the daily diet.

- Choose hulled sunflower seeds to reduce the risk of crop impaction.

- Monitor your bird's weight and adjust sunflower seed intake as necessary.

- Provide a variety of other healthy foods, such as pellets, vegetables, and fruits, to ensure a balanced diet.

By following these tips, you can safely feed sunflower seeds to your cockatiel as part of a healthy and balanced diet.