What can ducks do?

Ducks have many impressive abilities, including:

- Swim: Ducks are expert swimmers, thanks to their webbed feet. They can propel themselves through the water with ease, even in strong currents.

- Fly: Most ducks can also fly, although some species are better at it than others. They have strong wings and can fly for long distances.

- Dive: Some ducks are also excellent divers, capable of going deep underwater to search for food.

- Eat: Ducks are omnivores and have a varied diet. They eat plants, insects, fish, and other small animals.

- Lay eggs: Female ducks lay eggs, which they then incubate until they hatch.

- Care for their young: Ducklings are born helpless, and their parents care for them until they are able to fend for themselves.

- Communicate: Ducks communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body language.