What to feed newborn muscovy ducks?

Muscovy ducklings require a high-protein, high-energy diet to support their rapid growth and development. Here's what you should feed newborn Muscovy ducks:

1. Commercial Duck Starter Feed:

A commercially formulated starter feed specifically designed for ducklings is an ideal choice. These feeds are nutritionally balanced and provide the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients required for healthy growth. Look for a starter feed with a protein content of around 18-22%.

2. Duckling Crumbles:

In the first few days after hatching, you can offer duckling crumbles. Crumbles are smaller in size and easier for the ducklings to eat. They have a higher protein content compared to adult duck feeds.

3. Hard-Boiled Eggs:

Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of protein for ducklings. Chop them finely and offer them to the ducklings as a supplementary food. Avoid feeding them raw eggs, as they can carry bacteria that may cause illness.

4. Cooked Oatmeal:

Cooked oatmeal provides additional carbohydrates and nutrients to the ducklings' diet. Make sure to cook the oatmeal without salt or sugar.

5. Fresh Greens:

Ducklings can also benefit from fresh greens, such as finely chopped kale, spinach, or lettuce. These provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

6. Grated Carrots:

Grated carrots offer beta-carotene, which is essential for good eye health and feather development.

7. Fresh Water:

Always ensure that the ducklings have access to clean and fresh water at all times.

Remember to introduce new foods gradually to prevent digestive upset. You can transition to a grower feed once the ducklings are around 4-5 weeks old. If you have any concerns about the diet or health of your Muscovy ducklings, it's best to consult with a veterinarian specializing in poultry.