* Seeds: acacia, banksia, callistemon, casuarina, eucalyptus, grevillea, hakeas, hibbertia, melaleuca, myrtles, peas, portulaca, proteas, and wattles
* Fruits: acacias, casuarinas, figs, lillypillies (Syzygium), native cherry (Exocarpos), native currants (Leptomeria, Styphelia), native guava, native raspberry, olives (Olea), quandongs (Santalum), riberry (Austromyrtus), and wild plum
* Leaves: apple, apricot, cherry, clover, dandelion, dock, eucalyptus, gum tree, hibiscus, kurrajong, mallow, and willow
* Flowers: banksia, eucalyptus, grevillea, hakeas, hibiscus, kurrajong, and melaleuca
* Nectar: a wide range of plants, including banksia, callistemon, eucalypts, grevillea, hakeas, and melaleuca
* Insects (ants, beetles, bugs, caterpillars, cicadas, earwigs, grasshoppers, and spiders)
* Insect eggs and larvae
* Millipedes
* Moths
* Spiders
Other foods:
* Bread
* Cereals
* Eggs (when available)
* Meat scraps (when available)