1. Use a squirrel-proof bird feeder. These feeders are designed to be difficult for squirrels to access, and many have features like weight-activated closures or slick surfaces that make it hard for squirrels to grip.
2. Coat the bird feeder with Vaseline or cooking spray. This will make the feeder slippery, making it difficult for squirrels to climb.
3. Hang the bird feeder from a thin wire or fishing line. This will make it more difficult for squirrels to reach the feeder.
4. Place the bird feeder in a location that is difficult for squirrels to reach, such as on a high pole or in a tree.
5. Enclose the bird feeder in a cage made of chicken wire or hardware cloth. This will prevent squirrels from reaching the feeder.
6. Use a motion-activated sprinkler to deter squirrels. These sprinklers will turn on when they sense movement, which will scare away the squirrels.
7. Get a pet dog or cat. Dogs and cats are natural predators of squirrels, and their presence may be enough to keep squirrels away from your bird feeders.