Can wild birds eat coooked rice?

Cooked rice is generally considered safe for wild birds to eat, provided that it is served plain, without any added salt, seasonings or sauces. However, it's important to keep a few things in mind:

- Cooked rice should not be the only food source for wild birds. It should be offered as an occasional treat, not as a staple in their diet.

- Cooked rice should not be served hot or steaming. Let it cool down to room temperature before offering it to birds.

- Avoid giving birds cooked rice that has been stored in the refrigerator for too long. Leftover rice should be discarded after a few days to ensure freshness.

- Some birds, like waterfowl and shorebirds, are not likely to be interested in cooked rice, as they have specialized diets.

- Offering food to wildlife, especially in parks or other public areas, can attract unwanted animals and potentially cause conflicts. It's always best to check local regulations and guidelines for feeding wild birds in your area.