How do you stop doves from nesting?

There are several methods to deter or prevent doves from nesting in undesirable locations:

Exclusion: This is the most effective method to stop doves from nesting. You can use physical barriers such as netting, wire mesh, or bird spikes to cover potential nesting areas. Make sure the barriers are securely attached to prevent doves from finding ways around them.

Nest Removal: If you find an active dove nest, you can remove it. Wear gloves to protect yourself and gently take the nest down. Dispose of the nest and its contents properly to discourage doves from returning to the same spot. However, it is essential to note that removing active nests may conflict with local wildlife protection laws, so check the regulations in your area before taking action.

Repellents: There are commercial bird repellents available that can be sprayed in the areas where doves tend to nest. These repellents often contain ingredients that irritate the birds' senses and discourage them from settling in the area.

Noise: Sudden and loud noises can startle doves and deter them from nesting. Placing devices like motion-activated sprinklers or sonic deterrents in the problem areas may effectively scare away doves.

Habitat Modification: If doves repeatedly nest in a certain area, consider modifying the habitat to make it less attractive. For instance, trim overhanging branches, remove birdhouses or other structures that could serve as nesting sites, and eliminate any food sources that may be attracting the birds.

Bird Predators: Placing artificial predators such as plastic owls or snakes near the nesting areas can sometimes discourage doves from nesting. However, doves may adapt and overcome these deterrents over time.

Natural Deterrents: Some people suggest using natural repellents like hot pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, or Irish Spring soap shavings. These substances may irritate doves and discourage them from nesting but may not be effective for all birds.

Remember that certain bird species, including doves, may be protected in some areas or during specific nesting seasons. It's essential to research and adhere to local regulations regarding bird control. If you're unable to resolve the issue on your own, consider consulting a professional pest control service that specializes in bird control for further guidance.