What do kiwi birds eat?

Kiwis, being omnivores, consume a wide array of food items. Some of their commonly eaten items include:

1. Invertebrates: Kiwis are known to hunt various invertebrate animals, such as earthworms, spiders, and insects. These invertebrates make up a significant part of their diet.

2. Fruits and Berries: Kiwis consume different kinds of fruits and berries. They use their sharp beaks to dig through forest floor debris, searching for these sources of nutrition.

3. Seeds: Seeds from various plants, such as ferns and grasses, are also part of their diet.

4. Nectar: As opportunistic feeders, kiwis also take advantage of nectar from flowering plants.

5. Small Vertebrates: Occasionally, kiwis hunt small vertebrates, including frogs and lizards, to supplement their diet.