What is a hawks prey?

A hawk is a bird of prey that primarily hunts small mammals, such as rodents, rabbits, and birds. Here is a list of examples of a hawk's prey:

- Rodents: mice, rats, voles, lemmings, gophers

- Rabbits and hares: cottontails, jackrabbits, snowshoe hares

- Birds: pigeons, doves, sparrows, finches, jays, blackbirds, robins, grouse, quail

- Reptiles: lizards, snakes

- Amphibians: frogs, toads

- Insects: large insects like grasshoppers, beetles, and dragonflies

- Fish: Some hawks, like the osprey, specialize in catching fish.

The specific prey of a hawk depends on its species, habitat, and hunting preferences. Hawks typically hunt by soaring or perching high in the air and then swooping down on their unsuspecting prey. They use their sharp talons to capture and kill their prey, and their hooked beak to tear it apart.