What would guppies eat in a closed ecosystem?

Guppies are omnivorous fish that can survive on a variety of foods. In a closed ecosystem, such as an aquarium or a pond, guppies can be fed a variety of live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods. Some common foods that guppies can eat include:

* Brine shrimp

* Daphnia

* Cyclops

* Mosquito larvae

* Bloodworms

* Tubifex worms

* Microworms

* Pelleted food

* Flake food

When choosing food for guppies, it is important to select a variety that is appropriate for their size and nutritional needs. Guppies should be fed small amounts of food several times a day. Overfeeding can lead to health problems, such as obesity and constipation.

In addition to providing food, it is also important to provide guppies with a clean and healthy environment. The water in their tank or pond should be kept clean and at a consistent temperature. Guppies should also have access to hiding places, such as plants or rocks.