How long do bottom feeders live?

Bottom feeders are a diverse group of fish that live on or near the bottom of bodies of water. They come in all shapes and sizes, and have a variety of lifespans. Some bottom feeders, such as catfish and eels, can live for over 50 years. Others, such as minnows and darters, have a lifespan of only a few years.

Bottom feeders play an important role in aquatic ecosystems by feeding on detritus and other organic matter that falls to the bottom of the water body. They help to keep the water clean and provide food for other animals, such as fish and birds.

Here is a table of the average lifespans of some common bottom feeders:

| Bottom Feeder | Lifespan |


| Catfish | 50-70 years |

| Eel | 20-30 years |

| Minnow | 1-3 years |

| Darter | 2-4 years |

| Sculpin | 5-10 years |

| Sucker | 10-15 years |

| Flounder | 8-10 years |

| Halibut | 30-50 years |