What is a mahogany bird?

The Mahogany Bird or "Gubernatrix Cristata", is a stunning passerine bird belonging to the family Cotingidae. It is the sole representative of the genus Gubernatrix. Native to the tropical regions of South America, this magnificent creature is renowned for its remarkable appearance, elaborate crest, and captivating song.


  • The Mahogany Bird is a large bird, measuring around 9.4-11.4 inches in length. Its plumage is predominantly a deep mahogany brown, giving it its namesake.
  • Both male and female Mahogany Birds have a prominent crest that adorns their heads, composed of long and silky-smooth feathers. This crest can be raised and fanned out to create an impressive display during courtship and territorial encounters.
  • The long tail of the Mahogany Bird adds grace to its overall appearance.
  • Their eyes are dark and expressive, often glinting with curiosity.

Habitat and Distribution:

  • The Mahogany Bird resides in humid forests, subtropical and tropical regions of eastern and southern South America, including Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia.
  • They are predominantly found in the upper regions of the canopy, seeking out lofty perches among tall trees.


  • Mahogany Birds are omnivorous and feed on a varied diet, including fruits, insects, and occasionally small vertebrates like lizards and frogs.
  • Their keen eyesight allows them to spot prey from a distance.


  • One of the most captivating aspects of the Mahogany Bird is its melodious song. They are known for their rich and varied vocalizations, often described as a symphony of flute-like notes, whistles, and trills.
  • Their songs play a vital role in attracting mates and defending territories.


  • Mahogany Birds are generally solitary except during the breeding season, when they form monogamous pairs.
  • Nests are built high up in trees, and both parents participate in parenting responsibilities, including incubation and feeding of the chicks.
  • They typically raise one brood per season.

Conservation Status:

  • The Mahogany Bird is currently listed as "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  • However, habitat loss due to deforestation remains a potential threat to their populations.

In conclusion, the Mahogany Bird is an avian wonder of the South American tropics, captivating birdwatchers with its striking appearance, graceful movements, and enchanting songs. Its presence adds a touch of splendor and harmony to the diverse ecosystems it calls home.