What should you do if birds keep building nests in your garage?

Here's what you can do if birds keep building nests in your garage:

1. Identify and Remove Nests:

- Locate the nests built by the birds.

- Use a ladder to reach and carefully remove the nests while wearing gloves.

- Properly dispose of the nests to prevent any possible return of the birds.

2. Install Nest Deterrents:

- Install deterrents like fake owls or hawks to dissuade birds from nesting near your garage.

3. Cover Openings:

- Inspect your garage for any openings or gaps through which birds can enter.

- Cover or screen off any openings larger than half an inch to prevent future access.

4. Seal Potential Nesting Sites:

- Seal any crevices, holes, or gaps where birds might want to build their nests.

- Use caulk or metal screens to block these nesting spots effectively.

5. Keep Garage Doors Closed:

- Ensure that your garage doors remain closed as much as possible, especially during the nesting season.

6. Eliminate Food Sources:

- Avoid leaving pet food, bird feeders, or other food items that might attract birds to your garage area.

7. Use Sound Deterrents:

- Install motion-activated sound devices or noise-emitting repellents to discourage birds from nesting.

8. Use Bird Spikes:

- Consider applying bird spikes or strips on ledges, corners, or areas where birds might attempt to build nests.

9. Employ Visual Deterrents:

- Hang shiny, reflective materials like aluminum foil, CDs, or balloons to deter birds from approaching the garage.

10. Spray Repellent:

- Use bird repellent sprays or gels on ledges and areas where birds typically build nests.

11. Remove Bird Habitats:

- Trim tree branches or vegetation that might hang over your garage and provide easy access for birds.

12. Bird Netting:

- Install bird netting around the garage if possible to create a physical barrier against birds.

13. Consult Professionals:

- If the bird problem persists, consider hiring a pest control or wildlife removal service that specializes in bird control.

Remember to stay patient and consistent in your efforts, as resolving a bird nesting issue may take time. Avoid directly harming birds, as they are protected by various laws and regulations.