How do you hatch a duck egg with lamp?

To hatch a duck egg with a lamp, you will need the following materials:

* A lamp with a 100-watt bulb

* A socket that fits the bulb

* A wire mesh screen

* A cardboard box

* A thermometer

* A hygrometer

* Water


1. Place the wire mesh screen on the bottom of the cardboard box.

2. Place the lamp socket in the middle of the wire mesh screen.

3. Screw the light bulb into the socket.

4. Turn on the lamp and place the cardboard box over it.

5. Make sure that the lamp is not touching the cardboard box.

6. Place the thermometer and hygrometer inside the cardboard box.

7. Add water to the bottom of the cardboard box, but do not let the water touch the eggs.

8. Place the duck eggs on the wire mesh screen.

9. Close the cardboard box and leave it in a warm, dark place for 28 days.

10. Check the thermometer and hygrometer regularly to make sure that the temperature is between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity is between 50 and 60%.

11. After 28 days, the duck eggs should hatch.

Here are some additional tips for hatching duck eggs with a lamp:

* Use fresh duck eggs that are no more than 7 days old.

* Candle the eggs before you put them in the incubator to make sure that they are fertile.

* Turn the eggs every day to prevent them from sticking to the shell.

* Keep the incubator clean and free of mold.

* Provide plenty of ventilation for the incubator.

* Be patient! Hatching duck eggs can take up to 28 days.