Do you remove pekin duck eggs from nest she has been sitting 2 days knowing have no male to fertilize?

Pekin duck eggs that have not been fertilized by a male duck (infertile eggs) can be removed from the nest after two days of sitting. These eggs will not develop into ducklings, and removing them can prevent the hen from continuing to sit on them and wasting her time and energy.

Here are some steps to remove infertile eggs from a Pekin duck nest:

1. Wait at least two days: Give the hen a chance to start incubating the eggs. This is important because hens may abandon their nests if all the eggs are removed too early.

2. Candle the eggs: Candling is a technique used to determine if an egg is fertile or not. To do this, hold the egg up to a bright light source, such as a flashlight, in a darkened room. A fertile egg will appear opaque or cloudy with visible blood vessels, while an infertile egg will appear clear.

3. Remove infertile eggs: Once you have identified the infertile eggs, carefully remove them from the nest. It's best to use clean, gloved hands to avoid disturbing the remaining eggs or transferring bacteria. Dispose of the infertile eggs properly, away from the nest to avoid attracting predators.

4. Return fertile eggs to the nest: After you have removed the infertile eggs, gently place the remaining fertile eggs back in the nest. Make sure the eggs are oriented with the pointed end down.

5. Monitor the nest: Continue to monitor the nest and check the eggs periodically for signs of development or further infertility. If you find any additional infertile eggs, you can remove them as well.

By removing infertile eggs from the nest, you can help the hen focus her attention and energy on the fertile eggs, increasing the chances of successful hatching and duckling survival.