In the wild, cockatiels will breed between spring and early autumn as this is when the temperatures are warm enough to allow for safe egg incubation and more daylight hours to fend off predators. In captivity where the temperature is constant and there are no threats, cockatiels can breed all year round although this is strongly discouraged as captive birds tend not to make great parents.
Male cockatiels will try to attract a mate by spreading its wings slightly and puffing out its chest. The wings will not be fully spread, just enough to make it look like a heart shape from behind. This is usually accompanied by a flat crest on top of the males head.
Another method males will use to attract mates is a loud chirping. The song will be high pitched and loud as the male is showing off his talents to the female.
During the singing phase of courtship the male will also be more active in terms of flying. In captivity this will just involve flying from one side of the cage to the other and back again while constantly chirping.
While engaging in all the aspects mentioned above, the male cockatiel will often jump around on his perch as well. This is interpreted as a kind of dance, but is just another way of showing off.
To signal her readiness to mate, the female will lower herself onto a perch and raise her tail.
Laying and Hatching
After mating, the female will lay an egg usually within about a week. During this period mating will continue. A standard batch of eggs for a cockatiel is between five and six eggs. After about 20 days the eggs will start to hatch.
Cockatiel Mating Process
Cockatiels are small parrots native to Australia and are the smallest variety of cockatoo. Second only to the budgerigar in terms of popularity for pets, they make ideal birds for amateur breeders. In the wild it is common to see cockatiels in pairs or small groups. In captivity having a pair of cockatiels will inevitably lead to mating. To know when to expect chicks, or to prevent mating, there are a number of behavioral traits that can be observed.