Whistling and Singing
Budgies often whistle and sing when they are feeling cheerful, contented and safe in their environment. These noises are most common at sunrise and sunset, but you can also hear them at any time of the day that your bird experiences joyfulness. Your budgie may also try to sing and whistle along with songs when you have music playing.
High Pitched Yelping
High pitched yelping, or screeching, is a sign that your budgie is distressed or feels threatened in some way. It may also be doing this to get your attention because it feels ignored or abandoned, or wants to know that you are all right.
Soft chattering is a sign that your bird feels safe and contented. Chattering is a common vocalization for budgies. Soft muttering suggests that your bird feels secure and happy, or it may be practicing new sounds which it has been recently trying to learn. You'll often hear louder chattering when the environment is noisier than usual and your bird wants to be heard, or when your budgie settles down at night to announce his presence to others.
Budgie purring sounds like gentle warbling, much like the sound a cat makes, and indicates contentment. Budgies will make this noise when they are settling off to sleep, listening to music or just feel protected and blissful in your company. Purring noises are often accompanied with relaxed body language and fluffed up feathers.
Different Budgie Noises
Is your bird in pain, stressed or just saying hello when it vocalizes? Like humans, budgies communicate through sound as well as body language and movement. Understanding your budgie and the meaning of the noises it makes is vital if you want to successfully communicate with your pet.