Things You'll Need
- Wood posts
- Chicken wire
- Pigeon feed
- 5-gallon buckets
- Hay or straw
- Empty milk jugs
Set up an adequately sized coop for the female pigeons. Your coop should be at least 6 by 8 feet in size and at least 7 feet high. Provide enough room for all the female pigeons to move around freely. Build a freestanding coop out of wood posts and chicken wire, or fence off a portion of your roof using chicken wire.
Create nest boxes in the coop for the female pigeons. Even if they are not going to have the pigeons mate, having a comfortable nesting spot will make your pigeons happier. Cut 5 gallon buckets in half and fill them with straw. Provide enough separate nest boxes for each female pigeon.
Make pigeon feeders by cutting holes in the bottoms of empty milk jugs or using chicken feeders and then attaching them to the exterior of the coop. Fill the jugs with a variety of grains for the pigeons which can be purchased at your local pet store. Place a water dish inside the coop to keep the pigeons hydrated.
Purchase young pigeons from your local pet store. Make sure that these pigeons have not yet found a mate. As most pigeons mate for life, separating a mated pair can make the female pigeon quite unhappy. Since pigeons are very social, purchase at least three to keep them happy.
Introduce the pigeons to the coop. Continue to provide them with plenty of food and water. To prevent diseases, clean the cage regularly by removing any excrement and replacing soiled hay.
Introduce males to the coop once the females have settled in, if you plan to mate the pigeons. Provide enough males for each of the female pigeons. Be sure the nest boxes are clean and that there is at least one of them for each mated pair. Once the pair mates, the eggs will incubate for 18 days before hatching. The young pigeons are fed by a regurgitated food substance from their parents until they are old enough to eat pigeon feed.