How to Raise an Egyptian Goose

Egyptian geese are renowned for their beauty, mystique and small size. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned goose caretaker or a newcomer, it is important to inform yourself about the needs of the variety of goose you choose. Raising and taking care of Egyptian geese can be hard work but also rewarding and exciting.

Things You'll Need

  • Goose hutch
  • Straw
  • Heater lamp
  • Hatched Egyptian geese
  • Seedless cotton
  • High-quality bird seed
  • Lettuce
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      Assemble a goose hutch purchased at a pet store or ordered online. Place the hutch in a moist and shady area to ensure that the goose chicks will not overheat. In the hutch's sheltered area (toward the back of the hutch), spread straw evenly along the bottom to create a warm bedding. Hook a heater lamp on the ceiling of the shelter and direct it to one of the shelter's corners.

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      Place hatched Egyptian geese into the goose hutch and observe which area of the shelter they prefer (a heated spot near the lamp is most likely). When you have identified this spot, place seedless cotton on top of the straw for extra warmth and comfort as a sleeping area. Regularly clean droppings from the sleeping area.

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      Feed and provide water for the growing Egyptian geese by feeding them roughly one cup of high-quality bird seed a day and regularly feeding lettuce to supplement needed minerals and vitamins. Temperatures below 10 degrees or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit are dangerous to the growing geese, so monitor the weather.