How to Get Rid of Cockatiels

Cockatiels are parrots. The birds live about 20 years, so purchasing and caring for cockatiels requires a lengthy investment of time. Cockatiels are very social, so if you are not going to be home much it is best to keep at least two birds. If you decide owning a cockatiel is not right for you, or if you must give up your bird, there are a variety of ways this can be accomplished.


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      Take out an ad in your local paper. Some papers will run sale ads for free for a week; otherwise they charge by the word. This method is best if you want to get to know the people who will be taking your bird.

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      List your bird for sale on or another website such as Cockatiels For Sale to reach a larger number of people. This method may require you to transport the bird.

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      Contact your local pet store. Many pet stores will purchase animals in good health either for cash or store credit. You will not get as much for your bird as you would from a direct sale because the pet store needs to re-sell the cockatiel at a profit.

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      Call your local animal shelter. Some shelters will take exotic pets. You will not be paid for the bird, however, and there is no guarantee that your bird will be adopted.

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      Put up an ad on billboards around town or at work. Many grocery stores and other businesses have bulletin boards that allow people to post local items for sale or to give them away.

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      Donate your bird to a school or nursing home. Not all facilities will accept animals, but some schools and nursing homes like to have pets to teach responsibility or to offer companionship.