How to Care for Pet Budgies

Budgies are members of the parrot family and, although they do not require the amount of space as their larger cousins, they require the same type of care. To properly care for budgies you need a few essential items such as a safe cage of appropriate size, quality nutrition, a weekly cleaning schedule for cage and toys, and positive mental stimulation to thrive. While this may seem like a lot to do for such a small bird, the rewards of having a healthy bird and happy relationship with your pet will make it worthwhile.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage
  • Food and water dishes
  • Cage liners
  • Cuttle bone
  • Perches
  • Seed and pellet food
  • Veggies
  • Fruits
  • Toys
  • Nest
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  1. Basic Budgie Care

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      Select a budgie cage that is large enough for the number of birds you are going to keep (the larger the better). The cage bars should be close enough together that they prevent your budgie from poking its head outside the cage. Place one sheet of grit paper on the floor of the cage. Grit is necessary for birds to digest their food. In the wild, budgies scratch and peck to obtain food which normally has some amount of natural grit, so this must be provided in captivity.

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      Place at least two perches of different sizes inside the cage so that one is higher in the cage than the other. They do not have to be right over each other, and make sure to change their location and sizing twice a month to promote healthy feet circulation. Also, provide perches of different textures like cactus wood, cotton rope, and sandy or concrete.

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      Hang one or two toys of different kinds in your budgies' cage for healthy mental stimulation. Consider having one quiet natural material toy and one that makes noise like a bell to offer variety. Budgies also like to look in mirrors, so hanging toys in front of mirrors will help attract your budgies to them. Interact and play with your budgies in the morning for a few minutes and at least once more throughout the day to prevent depression and feather plucking. Mist your bird with clean water once a day and provide a bathing dish at least once a week for healthy plumage.

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      Fill the water dish with clean bottle or tap water, and use a quality budgie seed and pellet diet to fill the seed cup. There are several brands to choose from including those that smell fruity to encourage good eating habits. Place the water dish and seed cup inside the cage. Change water daily and seed at least twice a day to ensure there is always fresh seed available. Place the cuttle bone near a perch or seed cup, which your budgie will use to clean, sharpen and file down its beak as well as obtain minerals from. Provide fresh fruits and vegetables daily such as diced apples, kale, carrots and sweet potatoes. Offer cooked pastas, crumbled no-salt crackers and a crust of warm toast for variety.

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      Provide a nest or sleeping tent for your budgies to sleep in so that they are free from drafts and chills. Offer sunlight near an open window a few times a week or use a full-spectrum light bulb to promote necessary vitamin and mineral conversions. Use a lightweight, breathable cage cover at night to offer your budgies the 12 hours of sleeping time birds require. And have a weekly cleaning schedule to wash your bird's cage, perches and toys in warm soapy water (rinse and dry before returning your birds to their cage).