How to Mute a Bird

As a general rule, birds kept as pets make noise and vocalize for one of two reasons. Either they are upset or agitated, or they are happy. If you have a bird who is constantly making noise, it might be unhappy with its surroundings or feeling lonely. If you need to silence the bird for sanity's sake, use some tested methods and recommendations from organizations such as the ASPCA.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird cage cover
  • Bird safe stuffed animal
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      Introduce a small stuffed animal into the bird's cage. Remove any small plastic eyes or pieces so the bird does not rip them off and ingest them. Let the pet bird cuddle and snuggle with the surrogate partner, seeing if this reduces the noise.

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      Drape a lightweight and breathable cover over the cage to silence the bird. Often, keeping the bird in darkness for a short period of time gives it a needed "time out" and calms its nerves. Do not leave the cover on for extended periods as it might upset the bird and cause it to get paranoid.

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      Play with the bird each day. Like other animals and humans, birds need play and interaction. Take it out of the cage and rub its beak and feathers. Keep it active and well cared for to keep the bird calm and free from stress.

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      Move the bird to a larger cage if it is outgrowing its surroundings. A bird gets claustrophobic, and if the cage is too small it yelps and vocalizes.

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      Turn off all lights and keep the bird in a dark room during the night. This keeps the bird calm and lets you get peaceful and noise-free sleep.