DIY Aviaries

An outdoor aviary is a way to give your bird some fresh air and a dose of vitamin D3. It can be large or small, depending on the available space as well as the type of bird you own. It should be large enough for your bird to get some flying exercise, which means that it needs to be two or three times the bird's wingspan and four to six times its height.

Things You'll Need

  • Flooring
  • PVC pipe or wood lumber
  • Wire mesh
  • Staple gun and staples
  • Zip ties
  • Branches
  • Toys
  • Feeding and watering stations
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      Pick a floor for your aviary. If your aviary is going to be outside, concrete is the best choice, especially since it is easy to keep clean. If concrete is not an option for you, gravel also works. If your aviary is going to be inside, put in a vinyl or ceramic tile floor. These floors are also easy to keep clean.

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      Frame your aviary with PVC pipe or wooden studs. Since birds like to gnaw on wood, either cover the timber with a thin layer of metal flashing or use lumber that is already covered in metal. PVC is convenient because it is relatively simple to work with and most birds do not like to bite it.

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      Cover the frame in 12-gauge or smaller wire mesh. The mesh needs to be heavy enough that your bird cannot bite through it and have a tight-enough weave so it cannot climb through it. The wire needs to be stretched tight and held firmly in place. Secure the wire mesh, especially in wood- or metal-covered wood framing, with heavy-duty staples. Zip ties work better with PVC pipe frames. Cut a hole in one end of the aviary for a door. Cover the opening with heavy plastic cut to size.

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      Put plenty of perches in your aviary. Look for natural branches that your bird can climb on and enjoy. Make sure that the wood is a type that is safe for your bird, and clean it before placing it in your aviary.

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      Install hanging toys in your aviary. They can hang from the ceiling or from the wooden perches, or can be scattered throughout your aviary. Also place food and water stations in your aviary.