How to Tell If Your Parakeet Is a Boy or a Girl

Parakeets, also known as "budgies" originate from Australia and generally live two to 10 years. As an owner, it is difficult to tell if your pet bird is a boy or a girl. However, if your budgie is 1 year or older, it's simple if you know what to look for. By examining your bird's cere -- the fleshy area surrounding the nostrils -- or by observing its behavior, you can easily determine the sex. When parakeets are babies, the cere is soft and often bright pink or violet, but it hardens and changes color as the birds mature.


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      Examine your parakeet's cere from its cage by inspecting the area above the beak which surrounds the bird's nostrils.

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      Study the color of your bird's cere. If it is white, beige, brown, pink or light red, you have a girl. When a female is able to breed, the cere will become dark brown and flaky or crusty. If it is bright blue or purplish-blue, you have a boy.

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      Observe your parakeet's behavior. Females are aggressive, bossy to other budgies, make loud angry sounds, rarely sing and bite harder than males. Males are active, social, bob their heads up and down, and sing often.