Things You'll Need
- Parrot toys
- Perches (sand, wood, cement, rope)
Setting Up the Cage
Install the perches at different heights throughout the cage, starting at the same height as the food dishes.
Install several toys around the highest perch so that the perch is hard to see from outside the cage.
Install bird toys on the cage walls by hanging the toys sparingly without crowding. Hang the toys so that you can see everything inside, except for the highest perching area.
Adding Toys to Play Structures
Hang toys from play structures and large stand-alone perches.
Fill stainless steel bowls with bird snacks such as fruit or vegetables and put them in the conure's cage or play structure for several hours. Choose foods that can be shredded or shelled, such as carrots, apple (without seeds) or celery.
Set leftover toilet paper or paper towel rolls on the play structure to be shredded. Drape feather boas around play structures for your conure to preen.