Parakeets are intelligent and easily trained. One of the most popular pet birds is the parakeet. The common blue and green parakeets generally cost $15 to $20. Fancier varieties can be more. Most parakeets are friendly, intelligent and easy to train, so they make good beginner birds. Although they are only about 7 inches tall, experts suggest buying the largest cage you can afford and for which you have space. (The minimum recommended cage size would be 14 inches wide x 16 inches long x 16 inches high.) Parakeets eat pellet or seed-based diets, but but offer bright colored fruits and vegetables as supplements.They enjoy toys, a variety of perches, the opportunity to fly free in the house and interaction with their humans. Parakeets can live on average 15-25 years with good care.
Finches don't enjoy being handled, but like to watch their people. Another inexpensive pet bird would be a finch. There are many varieties (some can cost $100 or more), but the common kinds, like the zebra finch and the society finch, will average from $15 to $25. Finches are easy to care for and don't require much room. These birds get all their exercise by flying (they don't climb around in the cage like parakeets) so they need a cage that allows them enough space. Think longer rather than higher because they fly horizontally. Finches enjoy being able to see people, but don't enjoy being handled. They are social, so you keep them in pairs. They don't talk or learn tricks, so these birds are better for people who just want to have a bird to watch and hear. Feed them pellet or seed-based food, along with fresh fruits and veggies, as well as a protein source like mealworms or hardboiled egg occasionally. Well-cared for finches will live an average of 5 years.
Doves make good pets for beginners, including children. Another inexpensive choice would be a dove. The most common types as pets include the ringneck, diamond, and white. Doves usually cost $25 to $40. They are gentle and "soft spoken," and they enjoy being handled by their owners, so they also make good birds for beginners. Doves eat finch pellets or seed-based diets along with fresh fruits and veggies. They swallow their seeds whole, so you need to feed them some grit to help with digestion. Again, the bigger the cage you can afford, the better. (Minimum size would be 18 inches wide x 22 inches long x 18 inches high. Doves enjoy time to fly free inside the house for exercise.The average lifespan for a pet dove would be about 20-25 years.
Getting the Most for Your Money
Cages can often be purchased online for less than at pet stores. Where you buy your bird and supplies determines what you pay, so do your homework. Many people buy from pet stores, but you can often find better birds through breeders, sometimes for less money than the stores. Or consider adopting your bird from a rescue group. Check online for supplies like cages, perches and toys. Get sure you're familiar with your bird's care requirements.
What Is the Least Expensive & Best Bird for a Pet?
Birds are popular pets in the United States and around the world. Many birds, especially the larger parrots and rare birds, can be very expensive to buy. Then you need to factor in the cost of housing and caring for your pet, including a cage, food, toys and veterinary care. In many cases, the smaller the bird, the smaller the costs involved. Here are three relatively inexpensive birds that might be the best pet bird for you.