How to Pluck Dry Skin From a Cockatoo

When Cockatoos get dry skin, the birds might start plucking feathers, to relieve the feeling of itchiness. Feather plucking is not a problem that only ruins the appearance of the bird: It can lead to infections and harm. As the bird owner, helping alleviate the itchiness and dry skin, is part of taking care of the cockatoo. Owners should not allow feather plucking, but they might need to help the bird manage its the dry skin, until the skin heals and stops itching.


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      Take the cockatoo to a vet, to rule out any medical problems. Never assume the dry skin is a seasonal problem: It is sometimes a sign of an underlying medical condition. The vet will suggest an appropriate product, such as a shampoo or medicine for the cockatoo, depending on the cause of its dry skin.

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      Use the product as directed by the vet. Depending on the cause of dry skin, the vet will give appropriate directions for the product use.

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      Give the cockatoo regular baths, or put a bird bath where the cockatoo can use it every day. Cockatoos need regular baths and moisture, to maintain good skin health. When the cockatoo takes a bath, supervise it to prevent problems, or potential drowning.

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      Play with the cockatoo, but add more gentle scratches and petting. The petting and gentle scratches will help alleviate the itchiness. Do not allow the cockatoo to pluck at its skin or feathers, as it can open wounds. Take care to scratch and pet gently, to prevent accidental wounds when removing the dead, dry skin.