How to Tell the Difference Between a Male & Female Parakeet

Parakeets are small and slender parrots, originally from Australia. These birds can be trained easily and many can be taught to speak. It is possible to differentiate between male and female parakeets based on their appearance and behavior. However, the identifying characteristics are only present in adult parakeets, so it is difficult to identify the sex of this bird before it matures, according to Darlene Campbell in "Step by Step Book About Training your Parakeet."


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      Examine the color of the cere. The cere is the area just above the beak. According to Nikki Moustaki in "Parakeets for Dummies," the cere changes from white or light pink in babies to blue in adult male parakeets, and pink or brown in adult female parakeets.

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      Listen to your parakeet. Male parakeets are more likely to talk before female parakeets and talk more often. It is possible to teach male parakeets hundreds of words and phrases, according to author Nikki Moustaki. Female parakeets will learn fewer words, but can learn to whistle faster and easier than the males.

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      Take note of mating behavior. Males will do a mating dance, strut up and down the perch and scratch at their faces to get the attention of the females.

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      Watch for eggs. Female parakeets lay the eggs. They may do so even if there is no male parakeet present. This happens in the spring breeding season when there are more daylight hours than nighttime hours.