Directions on Building Bird Nests

You can build a bird's nest using some of the same supplies birds find in nature. If you build a nest for bird use, be sure to nestle it securely in a tree, high enough where predators cannot easily reach it. For this, you may need to use a ladder.

Things You'll Need

  • Mud
  • Twigs
  • Dried grass
  • Twine, string or yarn
  • Lint or poly-fiber stuffing
  • Ladder (optional)
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      Form the base of the nest using mud and twigs. Use sticky mud to make a bowl shape with the mud. Thread the bowl with twigs, placed in all directions. Interlace the twigs so they support each other.

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      Use string, twine or yarn to reinforce the basic shape. Weave the twine through the twig and mud bowl. Tie off the twine to some of the twigs, weaving around the bowl shape. Add dried grass, pressing it into the mud. Keep adding twigs and grass until the nest is about 2 inches thick.

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      Line the inside of the nest with lint from the dryer. If you do not have lint, use a poly-fiber stuffing. The nest is ready to go outdoors, or you can keep it inside for decoration.