Instructions for Bird Nesting Boxes

Birds require nests to lay their eggs in. If you have a pair of birds or are looking to provide a safe breeding sanctuary for wild birds, you will need to build a bird nesting box. Each bird species has different requirements for nesting. Understanding the breed will help you build the right box.
  1. Box Basics

    • The basic nesting box is built with the same idea as a house. It should have a square or rectangular base with sides that go straight up. The roof should be hinged so you can have easy access to view inside without disrupting the eggs or parents while they are nesting. Many boxes have a slanted roof to help water roll off. This isn't necessary if you have an enclosed and well covered aviary. Boxes can sit on a shelf or have a hook on the back that mounts it in a high location where the parents will feel more secure. There should be a hole in the front large enough for the parents to get in, but not too large. This will prevent some larger predators from being able to get in to the nest and harm the eggs. The box should have ventilation on the sides. The best type of wood is untreated and unpainted. You may paint the outside if you have the box somewhere it is displayed, but keep the interior natural to prevent toxins from harming the parents, eggs or babies. Smaller breeds will have smaller boxes. A finch box may be as small as three inches tall and wide. A miniature parrot box may be more like a foot in height and length. The height is usually slightly taller than the floor space to give the parents room to build the nest up. Place a few small drainage holes at the bottom of the box to help any moisture drain.

    Nesting Materials

    • If you are placing the nesting box in an aviary, you will probably place straw and newspaper inside. It is also good to provide a place in the aviary to allow the parent to get its own nesting materials. This helps you monitor when parents are preparing to lay eggs. This is part of the natural routine.
      If you are placing a nesting box in an outside area, you will not need to provide the nesting material as the birds will collect twigs, leaves and other items to create their own nest.