Parrot Families
Parrots are grouped into the Psittacidae (true parrots) and Cacatuidae (cockatoo species), families which include subfamilies like the Loriinae, the Arinae and the Strigopinae.
True Parrots
True parrots (Psittacidae) are beautiful and bright birds. There are a wide assortment of variations, such as the African gray parrot, eclectus and red-bellied parrot.
Parakeets, or budgerigars, are multicolored and belong to a subfamily of small parrots. They live for eight to 10 years, are mildly noisy and require enough space to fly from perch to perch.
Cockatiels are medium-sized and grayish or multicolored. They are happy birds and live for 15 to 20 years. Cockatiels are relatively quiet but need a large amount of space to fly and climb.
Macaws are large and multicolored with intriguing personalities. They live anywhere from 20 to 50 years, depending on size, and require a very large amount of space. Macaws also make a lot of noise.
Additional Types
Other types of parrots that make good pets include caiques, cockatoos, lovebirds and parrotlets. These species vary in size, color and disposition.
Types of Parrots
Parrots are exotic and intelligent birds that are commonly sought after as pets. Most parrots are brightly colored or have other distinguishing marks, and some of them have the ability to mimic speech. There are over 350 species of parrots, which are divided into several families and subgroups. Most parrots are friendly, easy to care for and make good family pets.