Things You'll Need
- Ducklings or adult ducks
- Water trough
- Duck or chicken feed
- Duck coop
- Pasture or yard (optional)
Obtain your ducklings (baby ducks). Ducklings can be bought through your local feed store during the spring and summer months. If your local feed store or farm supply store does not sell ducklings, you may purchase ducks from a hatchery such as Murray McMurray Hatchery or Ideal Poultry.
Place the ducklings in a brooder until they are fully feathered. A brooder uses an artificial heat lamp to keep the baby ducks warm. Feed the ducklings chick starter feed that is high in protein, and always provide the ducklings with fresh water.
Put the ducklings in an outdoor enclosure once they are fully feathered. Depending on your duck breed, this may be at 1-2 months of age. Ducks enjoy fresh grass and pasture, and most duck breeds are capable of supporting themselves on foraging in grass. If you do not have a pasture or yard in which your ducks may wander, place them in a safe enclosure and feed them chicken or duck feed.
Collect the duck eggs when they start laying. The age of lay of each duck depends largely on its breed. Individuals interested in raising ducks at home strictly for egg purposes may wish to keep their ducks in a fenced enclosure in order to find the duck eggs easier.