How to Care for a Goffin's Cockatoo

They're small by cockatoo standards (half the size of a Moluccan) but big fun. If you get one and you're not properly prepared, they can be big problems.

Things You'll Need

  • large cage
  • bird toys
  • pellet diet, fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • to be prepared to care for a creature with the temperament (and possibly intelligence) of a 5 year old human - for the next several decades.
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    • 1

      You've done the research and decided that the fun of owning a Goffin's cockatoo outweighs the issues of mess, noise, constant demand for attention and - expense. After shelling out the initial going retail rate for a Goffin's ($1000+) you'll need to purchase the largest cage possible; and plenty of toys or prepare to face the music in the form of such bad habits as feather picking and screaming.

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      Goffin's, and cockatoos in general, are are not among the top talkers of the parrot world, but they charm us with their intelligence, curiousity and comical antics.

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      Mandatory supplies include, as mentioned; as large a cage as practical - and an ample, rotatable supply of toys. Chewable toys, even empty cardboard rolls from paper towels and toilet paper will help alleviate the heart breaking problem of feather picking. Vitamin fortified pellets should be the staple diet, supplemented with fruits and vegetables. When Pippy the Goffin's cockatoo sees anyone eating, she always yells for her cut of pizza, pasta, breads and virtually anything else her human flock eats, including meat and fish.

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      Above all else, don't think you can stash your bird away in a closet like the Monopoly game when you get tired of him/her. Oh; no - cockatoos need their piece of the action - even if it's just sharing the same room you're watching tv or using the computer in - or they'll scream bloody murder. Continue on for cockatoo care tips and warnings!