How to Care for a Hawkhead Parrot

Hawkhead parrots are affectionate birds that exhibit clown-like behavior. They are smart, willing to train and can learn tricks or to talk. They are relatively small for parrots, weighing in at only an average of 8.11 ounces. Their colors are a handsome blend of buff-white, brown streaked with white, dark red, blue and green. Although these birds have a reputation for being aggressive or loud, a tame, well-behaved bird can be an affectionate delight. Follow these steps to care for a Hawkhead parrot.


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      Have the proper housing. Due to the activity level of these birds, they will benefit from a large cage. Check with your local pet store to determine what size cage to purchase. It is recommended to buy the largest cage you can afford and contain in your home. There should be several perches of different heights, hanging toys, a fresh water container and a food tray.

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      Provide the right kind of nutrition. Diet is usually the reason that these birds do not thrive. It is very important to feed them the same type of food until they become adjusted to their new home. If the bird is doing well, it is okay to experiment with different food items. Their diet should contain lots of fresh fruits, some vegetables, nuts, seeds and leafy greens. Given their need for such high content of fruit, a pellet formula may not be enough to maintain a healthy diet. Check with your local pet shop or veterinarian for specific recommendations.

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      Teach the Hawkhead parrot to behave. It is very important not to spoil the bird and encourage negative behavior as this will lead to a poorly behaved pet. Much like a dog has to be trained to behave in a manner that is appropriate for your situation, a Hawkhead parrot needs to be trained. Reward good behavior with a favorite snack or attention and ignore bad behavior. Otherwise, bad behavior could sour your relationship with this pet. Avoid playing rough with a Hawkhead, as this can lead to aggressive behavior in the future. Treat the bird with gentleness and you will have a well-behaved, well-adjusted bird.