Can You Pair Two Female Parakeets?

Pairing animals can be a tricky and stressful situation, whether it comes to dogs, gerbils or parakeets. After all, so many different factors can potentially come into play, whether same-gender disputes or the chance of mating. A duo of female parakeets may not be the most successful or peaceful of unions.
  1. Companionable Birds

    • Parakeets are companionable birds by nature, and because of that, tend to thrive on their encounters with others, whether fellow budgies or human beings. Attention is a must for parakeets.


    • If you are a bird owner who spends a lot of time at home, your parakeet may not necessarily require a birdie companion -- she can get all she needs from you. However, if you do not have the time to provide your parakeet with a lot of companionship, bringing home another budgie may be beneficial for her health, happiness and overall well-being.

    Two Females

    • Whether you're mulling over the concept of acquiring two female parakeets at once, or of introducing a new pal to your girl parakeet, thorough consideration of the circumstances is vital. A pairing of two female parakeets may not be the most agreeable situation, as female parakeets tend to be highly turf-oriented. If you don't want to experience constant quarrels over who "owns" which part of the cage, you may want to avoid the female-and-female pairing. Cacophonous and piercing shrieks for hours on end are not relaxing for anyone.

    Female and Male

    • Although female pairings are often full of battles, female and male parakeets are not necessarily always ideal either, especially in situations of smaller living environments. If your cage is spacious, however, the pairing may be a hit. When male parakeets have the desire to mate, female parakeets sometimes react in a not-so-positive manner. If this situation occurs in a cage, it is beneficial for males to be able to remove themselves from the sights of belligerent -- and irked -- females. The more available room, the better. Also remember that mating is a possibility in opposite sex living situations.

    Two Males

    • If you want a pair of parakeets in your home, two males may be a suitable option. When parakeets enjoy being around each other, it usually is apparent -- these birds can be seriously playful. Boy parakeets often partake in displays of appreciation from one another, from beak rubbing to musical performances.

    Gender Identification

    • You may be able to quickly identify a parakeet's sex by glancing on top of a budgie's beak. If the spot is blue, there's a strong chance that he is male. Males are usually a lot more vocal than females, as well -- but not always.