The Care of English Budgies

English budgies, also known as budgerigars, are an active, small bird related to the American parakeet. Although they chatter quite frequently, they are generally a quiet bird. English budgies usually have either green (females) and blue (males) plumage, although mating with other budgies has added other colors to the breed. English budgies can grow to 10 inches tall. Given proper care, a budgie can live up to 18 years of age, sometimes longer.
  1. Birdcage

    • English budgies have a high energy level and need a lot of room to flit around their cage. A single English budgie should be given a cage that is at least 18 inches across on each side and bottom, with a rounded top. There should at least be two perches placed in the cage, one set higher than the other, so the budgie can move back and forth between them. If you add another budgie to the cage (and they are a very social bird), you will want to add at least 6 inches in length on each side and bottom to allow for the additional bird. Line the cage with newspapers which should be changed daily.

    Food and Water

    • Seed mixes or pellets can be given to English budgies as their daily food, but care must be taken to monitor their intake. Budgies should only be given a small amount of food every day and it should be replenished every day, as they typically remove the seeds from the shells and leave the shells in the bowl, which makes it look like they have food. Fresh foods, such as ripped pieces of lettuce or tiny chunks of fruit, can be given to English budgies, especially if started while they are still baby birds, Vitamin-coated seeds don't provide enough nutrition to a budgie, so vitamins should be added to their water, which can be placed in a small bowl or a bottle, similar to a hamster water bottle.


    • English budgies should be given many things to keep them occupied while they are in their cage. Anchor at least one cuttle bone to the side of one of the cage walls so it can hone its beak. Other items that will keep budgies active and happy include anything with a bell on it and a bird-safe rope (with knots) tied to the top of the cage, A mirror can be added as well, but watch to make sure that the budgie does not regurgitate its food to try and feed the mirror image budgie.

    Health Concerns

    • Have your English budgie examined by a veterinarian at least once per year to make sure it is healthy. Budgies are susceptible to tumors, most of which are fatty or benign, and goiters, which can develop through a lack of iodine in their diet. Less common ailments, include parrot fever (which can be transmitted to elderly people), mites and liver disease.