How do you Care for a Bird With Broken Tail I found cat attacking bird behind my house There is no blood but his tail bent sideways He may have broken foot because he keeps falling?

Caring for a bird with a broken tail and potential foot injury requires attention and care. Here are steps you can take:

1. Capture and Isolate the Bird:

- Carefully capture the bird without causing further stress or harm.

- Place it in a quiet, safe, and warm place, such as a cardboard box with soft padding (like a towel).

- Keep the box dimly lit to reduce stress for the bird.

2. Assess the Injuries:

- Gently examine the bird's tail and foot for any visible injuries or bleeding.

- Check for any signs of shock, such as lethargy or difficulty breathing.

3. Provide First Aid:

- If there is bleeding, gently apply pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage.

- If there is a broken foot, do not attempt to set the bone yourself. This should be done by a veterinarian.

4. Keep the Bird Warm:

- Birds are sensitive to cold, so it's essential to keep them warm.

- Place a heat source, such as a heating pad set on low, underneath the box.

- Make sure the heat source is not in direct contact with the bird.

5. Provide Food and Water:

- Offer the bird small amounts of water regularly.

- For food, you can provide soft foods like mashed fruits, berries, or moistened seed mix.

- If you have access to a pet store or wildlife rehabilitation center, consider purchasing a specialized bird formula.

6. Seek Professional Help:

- It is crucial to have a veterinarian or a wildlife rehabilitation specialist assess the bird's injuries.

- They can accurately diagnose the extent of the injuries, provide appropriate treatment, and give you further guidance on caring for the bird.

7. Reduce Stress:

- Keep the bird's environment as quiet and stress-free as possible.

- Minimize handling, as this can cause additional stress.

8. Monitor Closely:

- Keep a close eye on the bird's condition, including any changes in behavior, appetite, or activity level.

Remember that caring for an injured bird requires expertise, so it's best to seek professional help as soon as possible to ensure the bird's well-being and recovery.